Entries in the ‘Creativity’ Category:

Time to Lose the Muse

I recently watched a video in which the speaker suggested that creative people could minimize some of the emotional upsets that seem to go hand-in-hand with the creative process by externalizing the source of their creativity. In other words, adopt the ancient notion that creativity came from the whisperings of a muse, not from the […]

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Speeding Things Up On the Computer

Time is money — and you can also live a lot more life if you don’t waste large chunks of it. And a lot of time can be wasted on a computer. No, I don’t mean surfing and such (though if the shoe fits…), but rather squandered time lost through extra keystrokes and needless mouse […]

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Trauma and Creativity

We’ve all heard about the suffering artist. Edgar Allan Poe drinks himself nuts, scribing poems and stories that seem to relate to the early loss of a young woman he loved. Vincent Van Gogh lopped off an ear and then painted a picture of his one-eared self. These aren’t unique artistic tales. There really is […]

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