Graphic Novel Illustration artwork by graphic novel illustrator Duncan Long

OK… these have to bring the total cover concepts I’ve created for the graphic novel Werewolves of New Idria (written by John Chadwell and soon to be released by Moonstone Books) up to something like eight different versions.

The good news is that they seem to be getting better along the way. And each rejected cover brings us closer to that final one (and often proves a “learning experience” in terms of what does – and does not – work).

Right now the cover above appears to be the front runner, though I think the two below have their pluses as well.

Graphic Novel Illustration artwork by graphic novel illustrator Duncan Long

Graphic Novel Illustration artwork by graphic novel illustrator Duncan Long

My (around 80) black and white illustrations for the graphic novel are almost completed… Almost because, going through them yesterday, I discovered we are one shy, apparently “jumped over” as I worked my way through the book. Tentative release date for the graphic novel remains March 2011. Better to discover I’m short one graphic novel illustration now than when facing a looming deadline.

This isn’t the first “page numbering disaster.” Early on I inadvertently worked from an old manuscript with more pages than the final edit would have. The results were about eight extra illustrations. Right now these may make it into the final book, so my mistake may result in eight “bonus illustrations” for readers.

I am anxious to get this one finished; it has been a major task and I’m not sure I would have tackled it had I realized how time-consuming producing artwork for a graphic novel can be. But not much further to go; the finish line is in sight.

Duncan Long is a freelance book cover illustrator for HarperCollins, PS Publishing, Pocket Books, Solomon Press, Fort Ross, and many other publishers and self-publishing authors. See his cover illustrations at: