Alien construct book cover illustration artwork by Duncan Long 3b

"Alien Construct 3b" - a visual experiment by illustrator Duncan Long

Alien construct book cover illustration artwork by Duncan Long

"Alien Construct 2" - a visual experiment by book illustrator Duncan Long

Alien construct book cover illustration by Duncan Long

"Alien Construct 1" - a visual experiment by book illustrator Duncan Long

I recently suggested that rather than plotting growth of the S-curve on graphs, they might possibly be better explored by plotting them through 3D. Sadly the only response (other than humorous) mentally pictured the rotation on one axis.

Things become more interesting when an object is rotated on more than one axis and moved through space (time) as well. Being an artist, I was compelled to add some dramatic lightning, materials, and environments as well.

That said, I may be exploring these further as they would appear to have the potential for use as science fiction and “alien” constructs.

When not contemplating the rotation of S curves through time and space, Duncan Long works as a magazine and book cover illustrator. You can see more of his illustrations at Duncan Long’s Magazine and Book Cover Portfolio