20 Amazing Fantasy Book Illustrations by artist / illustrator Duncan Long

20 Amazing Fantasy Book Illustrations

In keeping with my previous post, I’ve gone through hundreds of illustrations I’ve created for various fantasy book projects to select what I feel is are the best 20 illustrations in the fantasy category. Since WordPress is a limited in allowing for the proper layout of artwork, I’ve put them on their own page here: 20 Mind-Boggling Fantasy Book Illustrations.

Some of these fantasy illustrations have never found a home on any book or magazine cover; others have. A couple of illustrations appeared in the free editions of Edgar Allan Poe’s short stories and poems (several small publications which I created a few years back); one served as movie concept art. Regardless of their use or lack of thereof, as a book illustrator / graphic artist, I think these present if not my best illustration artwork in this genre, then the illustrations that I most enjoyed creating.

Of course an illustrator can be somewhat blind when it comes to judging the merits of his own artwork; sometimes what I think is great seems to be an opinion held only by the artist. However generally it seems my sense of what’s good and what’s marginal agrees with the eye of most beholders.

And I can always turn to the flying monkeys in the studio for a second opinion.

(If you missed my previous post of sci-fi book illustrations, you can find them here: 20 Breathtaking Science Fiction Book Illustrations.)

Book Illustrator Duncan Long has worked as an graphic artist — and author/illustrator — for several decades in the publishing industry. These days he spends most of his time creating artwork for small presses, indie publishers, and self-publishing authors. No flying monkeys were harmed in the writing of this post.