Kenneth Fore Wolf Tattoo wraparound book cover layout

Get your free Kindle copy of Kenneth Fore’s action-adventure novel The Wolf Tattoo April 17-19 from (those outside the US will need to enter the title in their local Amazon site).


A man’s impromptu journey into the Alaskan wilderness is life changing when he tangles with a grizzly and an Eskimo woman who thwarts his attempts to escape. She takes him on an unforgettable journey where they must fight wilderness crazies and mysterious beasts that skulk through the forest like nothing you have ever seen.

When they reached her clan’s winter campgrounds it is an unbelievable place isolated in the middle of the arctic wilderness and it is protected by huge wolves called Saluuettes. He realizes no one escapes after learning the truth about her clan and he must escape or become anything, but ordinary.

The novel is the proverbial “good read.” If you like action-adventure stories, be sure to download a free copy today.

You can also learn about the process of creating the cover for this novel at my previous blog about The Making of the The Wolf Tattoo Cover.