Versatile blogger award for book illustrator and book artist Duncan LongThose who follow the comments on this blog will recognize Rosanne Dingli’s name. She regularly offers sage advice and commentary, and I’m always interested to learn what she has to say about my work.

Recently she created The Versatile Blogger Award for blogs that she says, “Are all fascinating, informative, funny, brilliant, and very enjoyable. Visit them with my guarantee of satisfaction, safety, and success.”

Here’s my good news: The blog you’re reading right now was selected as one of the twelve.

I greatly appreciate Dingli’s kind gesture (now to contain my pride).

I’d suggest you visit Dingli’s blog not just to find your way to the wealth of entertaining information on the twelve blogs she selected, but also to read her blog as it’s a treasure trove of useful suggestions and ideas as well. You can find the list (and Dingli’s entries) at Rosanne Dingli’s Blog.

When not crowing over his The Versatile Blogger Award, Duncan Long works as a freelance magazine and book illustrator. His clients include HarperCollins, ISFiC Press, PS Publishing, Pocket Books, Solomon Press, Fort Ross, and many other publishers and self-publishing authors. You can find his portfolio at: