Portrait of Theodora Goss - my last painting of 2010

Well, 2011 is here. Time to start dating checks by the wrong year once again. And hope the family doctor doesn’t try the Alzheimer’s trick question, “Mr. Long, what year do you think it is?”

As those who follow this blog know, I often create digital paintings strictly for my own fun and entertainment. So not surprisingly perhaps, I ended the year with such a project, finishing just hours before the new year rolled around.

This painting is based on a photo taken of Theodora Goss during Thanksgiving (and posted on her site). I was taken by the relaxed grace of the pose, with the profile reminding me of a face that would be at home on a classical mural in Venice. Coupled with the lighting streaming in on Theordora’s face — well, how could I resist?

You can find Theodora’s reaction to the painting at her blog.

Hopefully my efforts did my subject a little justice. Beauty is always a task to capture, and even at his best, an artist can only hope to capture a tiny spark of what is there.

Wishing one and all a Happy New Year!

Duncan Long is a freelance magazine and book illustrator for HarperCollins, PS Publishing, Pocket Books, Solomon Press, Fort Ross, ISFiC Press, and many other publishers and self-publishing authors. See his book illustrations at: http://DuncanLong.com/art.html