Werewolves of New Idria Movie script banner art illustration by Duncan Long

Another updated picture to help peddle the movie script for Werewolves of New Idria by John Chadwell and Ron Shusett (writer/creator of the Alien franchise and Total Recall). This was one of the early concept paintings created as a banner for the online site of the original novel. The picture has been revived to accompany the script (such pictures help potential buyers, clients, and actors, the concept art and illustrations visualize what a scene from the movie might look like). My modifications of the original concept art consisted of adding some glowing eyes to the central character, reworking a few of the details, and adjusting the contrast of the picture.

For those who might be curious, the buildings are based on those down the “main drag” of Manhattan, KS.

The first chapter of the novel can be read online at the Werewolves of New Idria web site.

Pictures for the upcoming graphic novel from Moonstone Books as well as concept illustrations for the novel and script can be viewed at my Werewolves of New Idria gallery.

And the graphic novel can also be pre-ordered from Moonstone Books’ website.

When not creating concept artwork of werewolves and things that go bump in a movie script night, Duncan Long creates magazine and book illustrations for HarperCollins, Asimov Science Fiction Magazine, Pocket Books, ISFiC Press, ILEX, and many other publishers and self-publishing authors. Long also creates concept art for movie scripts and movie productions as well as graphic novels. See more of his illustrations at: http://DuncanLong.com/art.html