Never Again - a book cover illustration by book cover artist Duncan Long

This is a very early digital illustration I created, and one that demonstrated to me the potential of digital artwork. As such it became one of those roadway signs that sent me down a highway that might otherwise have remained undiscovered.

It’s odd how the picture of barbed wire and a defiant fist present a compelling illustration that appeals universally to something within the human psyche. People want to be free, and the horrors of human beings in prison camps stir the emotions.

The illustration has been used in a variety of ways, including as a cover on a Jewish book dealing with the Holocaust (and sadly I’ve lost track of the title — possibly The Sheol Project — and author of this book…feedback would be greatly appreciated). The illustration also appeared at several US POW web sites.

The title: “Never Again.”

Duncan Long is a book artist and illustrator who has created book cover artwork for Pocket Books, HarperCollins, PS Publishing, Moonstone Books, ILEX, and many self-published authors. See more of his book cover artwork and illustrations at: Duncan’s Book Cover Illustrations and Graphic Artwork