Final book cover layout and illustration for R Thomas Roe's action adventure novel.

Here’s the final book cover layout for R. Thomas Roe’s upcoming action-adventure novel Searching for America. (You can check my previous two blog posts for more about the book cover illustration.)

I added an AK-47 icon for the spine and basically to fill space in the layout above the book publisher’s address. (And, yes, fellow gun lovers, I know that’s an M4 Carbine he’s carrying.) That said, I do appreciate the suggestions and input from various folks across the country who helped out with the development of this book cover concept.

The color of the illustration was shifted just a tad toward the warmer/yellow end of the spectrum to help it match the bright yellow lettering used on the cover. And a stencil typeface chosen together with a no-nonsense Swiss typeface for the lettering.

Folks can find more of my book cover illustrations and layout designs at: Duncan’s Illustration Portfolio