John Chadwell with book cover illustrations for his novels - Book cover artwork by Duncan Long

Some time back book author and screen writer John Chadwell sent me a photo (above) that I thought I’d share. As you can see, he’s standing in front of the book and graphic novel covers I created for his action-adventure novel and graphic novel.

And, yes, that’s his Facebook page showing there on the monitor at the lower right.

John has a lot to smile about with both the scripts for these stories making the rounds in Hollywood.

I’ve joined him in crossing fingers with the hope that Hunt of the Seawolves and The Werewolves of New Idria will soon be coming to a theater near you.

(You may also wish to see some of the artwork that went into the graphic novel version of The Werewolves of New Idria.)

Duncan Long is a novel cover artist and graphic novel illustrator with book cover artwork appearing with PS Publishing, Pocket Books, Moonstone Books, HarperCollins, and many self-published authors. See more of Duncan’s book cover artwork and graphic novel illustrations at: Duncan’s Book Cover Illustrations and Graphic Novel Artwork