Space Surfer book cover illustration for Wrong Side In

Space surfing… Riding the wake of energy released from a ship dropping out of hyperspace… Doubtful physics, but fun to think about what such a surf board might look and how it would need to have its own (here invisible) bubble of gravity and atmosphere. I went ahead and gave it the ability to conform somewhat to the rider as well (hey, it’s my idea, I’ll make it the way I want).

This is a possible illustration for my book Wrong Side In — which I’m getting ready to re-write (for about the 8th time) with a few new chapters to present another character — who is shown here. I think this is likely the 8th cover I’ve created for this book as well; nothing ever seems to be quite finished with this writing project.
Duncan Long is a freelance magazine and book cover illustrator for HarperCollins, PS Publishing, Pocket Books, Solomon Press, American Media, Fort Ross, Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, and many other publishers. See more of Duncan’s book cover illustrations at: