Putting the Hell Into Halloween illustrations - artwork by illustrator and graphic artist Duncan Long

Book Cover art for Don MacPhail’s “X factor” – by artist Duncan Long

Halloween has come to symbolize the age-long struggle between good and evil. Ultimately evil is a rebellion against the God of goodness, and as such comes to a literally hellish end both in literature as well as in many religions.

Putting the Hell Into Halloween illustrations - artwork by illustrator and graphic artist Duncan Long

“A Place Prepared for Them” – by book illustrator Duncan Long

A certain logic can lead one to ask, “If God is really loving, why would He throw a sinner into Hell?” Of course if one is going to assume that the biblical account of Hell is true, then one should also look to the source material for the answer to such a question. And the New Testament proclaims one important fact: God does give each person an “escape clause” from the punishment of Hell; He did so by sacrificing a Son on the cross. Thus anyone can avoid Hell by simply repenting of their sins and embracing that salvation of eternal life. So as far as the Bible is concerned, avoiding Hell is not only doable, it requires only a childlike realization that the solution is free and simple.

Putting the Hell Into Halloween illustrations - artwork by illustrator and graphic artist Duncan Long

“The Accuser” (originally appearing in the Sun tabloid)

The biblical view also portrays Satan as the ultimate tempter, a jealous hater of mankind. This leaves Lucifer intent on dragging humanity into the fiery punishment of Hell (which was originally created for the Devil and other fallen angels).

Putting the Hell Into Halloween illustrations - artwork by illustrator and graphic artist Duncan Long

“The Serpent’s Curse” – by illustrator Duncan Long

Little wonder then that the first appearance of Satan in the Bible is as the serpent that tempts Eve, ultimately leading to the fallen state of mankind.

Putting the Hell Into Halloween illustrations - artwork by illustrator and graphic artist Duncan Long

“To Wake the Dead” by artist Duncan Long

Of course to be tempting, evil must enjoy a certain cold and decadent beauty. And often it promises a sort a corruption of eternal life — a sort of corpse-like existence of the undead, whether zombie, vampire, or something horrible that goes bump in the night.

Putting the Hell Into Halloween illustrations - artwork by illustrator and graphic artist Duncan Long

“Tempus Fugus” – by horror illustrator Duncan Long

And it’s that deathly substitute of a living death for life that gives so much of Halloween and the horror industry the terror that appears on the silver screen as well as in books and literature.

Witch and the elements horror art by artist Duncan Long

“Witch and the Elements” – horror art by artist Duncan Long

Be scared. Be very scared.

Happy Halloween, everyone!

When not ruminating over the theological implications of horror and Halloween, Duncan Long works as a book designer and illustrator. You can see more of his horror (as well as science fiction and fantasy) artwork in Duncan Long’s Online Book Cover Portfolio