Final book cover illustration for Joan of Arc

Just thought I’d quickly post the finalized version of Joan of Arc (for Marcia Quinn Noren’s Joan of Arc: The Mystic Legacy).

The key change from previous versions is in her hair. The razor-cut look I’d originally given her looked a bit too much like a punk (or to some goth) hairdo.

After a whole lot of wheel spinning on my part, creating new hair that just didn’t work well, I finally realized the only change that simply smoothing the halo edges of her hair was the way to go (this is called the “Oh, Duh, Factor”). That small change did the trick.

Now, Joan won’t be mistaken for the barbarian Thervingi or Greuthungi.

I hope.

When he’s not fussing over the hairdos of historic figures on book covers, Duncan Long paints book cover illustrations for presses and self-publishing authors. You can see more of his book cover designs and illustrations at Duncan’s Portfolio