The Evil Good Fairy Book Artwork by illustrator Duncan Long

“The Evil Good Fairy” by book illustrator Duncan Long

One of the more troubling and often horrifying inventions of story telling occurs when something we’ve come to expect to be good turns out to be bad. These quickly transform the things of everyday life into the monsters from the dark corners of the mind. Invasion of the Body Snatchers as well as many movies that portray the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, or other childhood heroes into monstrous beings have delivered viewers and readers many screams and thrills over the years. Sometimes the transformation can be subtle and still terrifying: The eyes a little too open, the person that smiles or laughs a little too often, the guy that stands a little too close while talkig to you. It doesn’t take much to raise the creep factor in an alarming way.

Thus the terror of the “evil twin,” the crazed girlfriend (or boyfriend), or even that overly friendly guy behind the desk at the Bates Motel in Psycho. Each can turn the everyday into horror of the most terrifying sort.

With those things in mind, I wanted to offer a few of my illustrations (most looking for a magazine or book cover to appear on) to perhaps add a little more chill to these dark Halloweenish evenings.

Tooth Fairy by Halloween and horror book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“The Tooth Fairy” by book artist Duncan Long

Evil Twin horror artwork by book artist Duncan Long

“The Evil Twin” by book artist Duncan Long

Venus in October by book illustrator Duncan Long

“Venus in October” by book illustrator Duncan Long

Ralph the Flying Monkey by Halloween and horror book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“Ralph the Flying Monkey” by horror book artist and illustrator Duncan Long

You Better Watch Out by horror book artist and illustrator Duncan Long

“You Better Watch Out” by horror book artist and illustrator Duncan Long

Troubling Concepts by Halloween book artist and illustrator Duncan Long

“Troubling Concepts” by horror book artist and illustrator Duncan Long

Artist / illustrator Duncan Long creates horror, science fiction, fantasy, and other genre artwork and illustrations for magazine and book covers for large presses as well as self-publishing authors. See more of his artwork at Duncan Long’s Book Illustration Portfolio