32 Days of Halloween: Witches

Witch artwork created for a horror book cover by artist illustrator Duncan Long (1)

Traditional picture of a witch created by book cover artist / illustrator Duncan Long

Halloween witches have varied over the years from the comical creations of Disney to the more sinister women of horror movies. They’ve got mixed reviews, from the too-real Salem Witch trials to the sorceresses of Greek myth to the friendly witches of TV comedy series. Some are portrayed as beguilingly beautiful; others as terrifying hags.

And of course there have been endless argument as to whether witches are powerful or powerless, innocent victims or dangerous evil doers.

But rather than make any judgment calls, most illustrators and story tellers divorce their stories from any real life connections, and let their characters play the roles of angel or demon, letting the literary chips fall where the story leads them.

So that caveat out of the way, this post will be devoted to a few of the fictional witch illustrations I’ve created over the years.

Witch artwork created for a horror book cover by artist illustrator Duncan Long (2)

“Sinister Witch at the Gate” by horror book illustrator Duncan Long

Witch artwork created for a horror book cover by artist illustrator Duncan Long (3)

“The Spell Is Cast” by horror book artist Duncan Long

Witch artwork created by artist horror illustrator Duncan Long

“Of Blood and Spells” horror artwork by illustrator Duncan Long

Horror artwork created for a horror book cover by artist illustrator Duncan Long

“Night Music: Howling” by horror book cover artist Duncan Long

Witch illustration for a horror book cover by artist Duncan Long

“Night Life” – a horror illustration by book artist Duncan Long

Witch artwork created for a horror book cover by artist and illustrator

“Cemetery Dancers” created by horror artist Duncan Long

Witch artwork created for a horror book cover by artist illustrator Duncan Long (8)

“A Witch Scorned” horror artwork by illustrator Duncan Long

Witch artwork created for a horror book cover by artist illustrator Duncan Long (9)

“Witch Come Back” – an illustration by book cover artist Duncan Long

Graphic artist and illustrator Duncan Long has created thousands of illustrations for book and magazines, working for publishers and self-publishing authors. You can see much more of his work in Duncan Long’s Horror Gallery

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32 Days of Halloween – “The Raven”

The Raven Artwork for a Halloween version of the Poe classic illustrated by artist and illustrator Duncan Long (4)

“Leonor at the Castle” – artwork for the Edgar Allan Poe classic by illustrator Duncan Long

In 2009 I created an illustrated version of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” which I’ve been giving away for free since then (it is available to read online or download in PDF format at Scribd).

In addition to the horror illustrations I created for this short book, I also designed a typeface — and hid a bunch of inane messages throughout the text (as far as I know, no one has ferreted these out, though they’re not hidden all that well, especially if you pull a few tricks with the PDF version of the book). It was a lot of fun to create and proved very popular with thousands of copies having been downloaded or read online. And the sort of “cerebral horror” I prefer over the blood and gore fests that too often pass as horror these days.

I’m not sure why the poem is so popular — possibly because Poe left it a little ambiguous, allowing for people to read a variety of things into the text (and, yes, I added my own little twist with my illustrations, about half of which appear in this post). As such it lends itself to the imagination and seems well suited to Halloween.

The poem has also led to several horror movies, perhaps the best know being Roger Corman’s version starring Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Boris Karloff, Hazel Court, and a young Jack Nicholson. The movie is “loosely based” on the Poe story (as with many Corman productions). And most likely filmed in a week or two if it was like most of the director’s horror films.


Here are a few of my other illustrations from my edition of Poe’s classic poem:

Leonor for a Halloween version of the Poe classic illustrated by artist and illustrator Duncan Long (5)

“Leonor” horror illustration by artist and illustrator Duncan Long

The Narrator  Artwork for a Halloween version of the Poe classic  illustrated by artist and illustrator Duncan Long (1)

“The Narrator” Artwork for the Edgar Allan Poe classic illustrated by artist and illustrator Duncan Long

The Raven On Bust Halloween horror artwork by artist and illustrator Duncan Long

“The Raven on a Bust” – an illustration by book artist Duncan Long

Raven Leonor - Halloween version of the Poe classic illustrated by artist Duncan Long

“Raven Leonor” – artwork for the Poe classic by illustrator Duncan Long

You can view the complete collection of illustrations and read Poe’s poem here: The Raven.

Duncan Long is a profession book illustrator and sometimes author. You can see more of his book illustrations at Duncan Long’s Online Art Portfolio.

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Ghosts: (32 Days of Halloween – Day 10)

Ghostly Things - a Halloween horror illustration by artist Duncan Long

“Ghostly Things” by horror artist Duncan Long

Ghost are terrifying to even think about. Generally they’re seen as the spirits of the dead, trapped between worlds due to something that went amiss when they died. Perhaps an even more terrifying theory is that they’re really demons posing as dead souls to trick human beings in a variety of ways; it isn’t your Uncle Charlie talking to you in the seance, but a demon intent on doing you harm.

Either way, frightening stuff.

And definitely the material that has enabled story tellers to keep more than a few children awake at night with the sheets pulled up over their heads.

So for those who like Halloween and horror tales — as well as a few English Christmas stories like Dickens’ The Christmas Carol (written when it was an old English tradition to tell ghost stories during the Christmas holidays) — here are a few of my illustrations, offered for those wanting to think (and perhaps have nightmares) along these ancient traditions.

And, of course, with the hope that eventually one or more of these will grace the cover of a horror novel or the like.

Ghost Story horror book artwork by illustrator Duncan Long

“Ghost Story” by illustrator Duncan Long

Spiritual Matters Halloween book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“Spiritual Matters” by illustrator Duncan Long

"Witching Hour" by book illustrator  Duncan Long

“The Witching Hour” by artist / illustrator Duncan Long

Ghost Train Halloween book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“Ghost Train” by illustrator Duncan Long

Duncan Long is an illustrator who has created horror artwork for a number of publishing houses as well as many self-publishing authors and indie presses. Visit his Online Portfolio of Book Cover Artwork and Illustrations to see more of his work.

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A Few Evil Things (Day 9 of the 32 Days of Halloween)

When the Stars Fall Down from the Sky - horror artwork by Illustrator Duncan Long

“When the Stars Fall Down from the Sky” by Illustrator Duncan Long

In my childhood, Halloween was a more innocent time. Since then, one can feel the evil influences and while these have certainly done much to energize parts of the entertainment industry and put a few entertainment thrills and chills into readers and audiences, it is not without a downside. I often would like a little of the innocence and joy to come back. Perhaps one day.

In the meantime, here’s a little terror from the dark side that I’ve created with various projects:

The Ungodly Mocker horror artwork by book illustrator Duncan Long

“The Ungodly Mocker” by book illustrator Duncan Long

Sometimes Darkness wins book cover artwork illustration by artist Duncan Long

“Sometimes, Darkness Wins” by artist Duncan Long

Treasured Sins horror book artwork by illustrator Duncan Long

“Treasured Sins” by illustrator Duncan Long

Hunter of Souls horror artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“Hunter of Souls” by book artist and illustrator Duncan Long

Organic Thoughts - by Halloween book artist and illustrator Duncan Long

“Organic Thoughts” by horror artist and illustrator Duncan Long

The Balloon Girl magazine artwork by Illustrator Duncan Long

“The Balloon Girl” magazine artwork by Illustrator Duncan Long


Discover more Halloween and horror artwork and illustrations at Duncan Long’s Horror Art Portfolio

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Blood Suckers (32 Days of Halloween: Day 8)

Wandering Stars by book artist DuncanLong

“Wandering Stars” by book artist Duncan Long

Vampires have terrified audiences since ancient story tellers conjured them up hundreds of years ago. Bram Stoker codified today’s notion of what a vampire should be with his novel Dracula. One odd twist to the story is that vampire bats were discovered AFTER Stoker had made his character a bat that drank blood.

Yes, sometimes life (or perhaps the living dead) really does imitate art.

The silver screen has had its fair share of vampires as well, with F. W. Murnau’s Nosferatu (1922) creating an iconic monster while Béla Lugosi added his own creepiness with his 1931 portrayal of Dracula. Since then all sorts of genres from science fiction to slasher movies have employed one sort or another vampire in plots, with the TV version of Salem’s Lot and several of the Kolchak: The Night Stalker as well as films like Lifeforce and the Underworld franchise all adding their own spin to the concept of the living dead.

Following in those footsteps, here are a few of my vampire illustrations, created over the last ten years or so.

Arterial Truths by horror story illustrator Duncan Long

“Arterial Truths” by illustrator Duncan Long

Bedtime Story by horror artist Duncan Long

“Bedtime Story” by artist Duncan Long

Mind Control book drawing by artist Duncan Long

“Mind Control” by artist Duncan Long

Prey - Halloween book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“Prey” by book illustrator Duncan Long

Vampire Stories by illustrator Duncan Long

“Vampire Stories” by illustrator Duncan Long

The Stars Can Wait (intergalactic vampire) by illustrator Duncan Long

“The Stars Can Wait” (intergalactic vampire) by illustrator Duncan Long

Last Vampire  Halloween book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“The Last Vampire” by artist Duncan Long


You can find many more terrifying things that go bump in the night at Duncan Long’s Horror Artwork

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40 Shades of Death (32 Days of Halloween: Day 7)

Beauty Is Only Skin Deep book artwork by illustrator Duncan Long

“Beauty Is Only Skin Deep” by illustrator Duncan Long

One of the things that terrifies almost anyone sometime during their life is the fear of death. And often that fear is inherent in Halloween, a holiday based on various cultures’ beliefs that the dead might walk among us during certain times of the year. So here are a few of my illustrations dealing with death — and sometimes life as well.

Book cover illustration by artist Duncan Long

“Works Without Faith” by illustrator Duncan Long

Matters of Life and Death Halloween book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“Matters of Life and Death” by illustrator Duncan Long

Right Hands Reign Rattle-of-Bones CD cover by artist Duncan Long

Right Hand’s Reign “Rattle-of-Bones” CD cover by artist Duncan Long

Right Hand's Reign Rattle-of-Bones unused CD cover by artist Duncan Long

Unused “night” version concept art for Right Hand’s Reign “Rattle-of-Bones” CD cover by artist Duncan Long

Second-Death-–-Last-Rites book artist Duncan Long

“Second-Death-–-Last-Rites” by artist Duncan Long

Til Death Do Us Part Halloween book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“Til Death Do Us Part” by illustrator Duncan Long

Come Sweet Death  Halloween book artist and illustrator Duncan Long

“Come Sweet Death” by illustrator Duncan Long. Sadly this idea was seemingly stolen and a very similar pictured appeared on the cover of a publication that will go nameless. (Shame on all parties involved.)

You can find more of Duncan Long’s horror artwork including concept artwork at his Book Artist Duncan Long’s Horror Artwork

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32 Days of Halloween: Day 6 – Werewolves

Werewolves abound in Werewolves of New Idria - shown here transforming into their wolf form

The characters in Werewolves of New Idria transform themselves into wolves with the help of a magic potent (the character at the left is wearing a wolf head cap).

Most of my werewolf artwork comes from the illustrations I did for the graphic novel Werewolves of New Idria which was written by John Chadwell — and currently available at Amazon.com.

AND… (taking a side junket into advertising land), I must note that the graphic novel makes a GREAT Halloween present. You can order it here from Amazon.com.

Since I did 80-some huge paintings for this graphic novel, perhaps it should be no surprise that this installment of the “32 Days of Halloween” will consist of artwork from our graphic novel.

Werewolves of New Idria art - by graphic novel illustrator Duncan Long

One of the shady characters appearing in our graphic novel. Soon to meet a sad fate at the hands of a demonic rival biker gang.

Dying werewolf by graphic-Novel-Comic book illustrator Duncan Long

While the creatures in Werewolves of New Idria are superhuman, they are mortal, adding a level of suspense to all encounters — which can end poorly as in this case.

Ruthless killer by comic book artist Duncan Long

One of the ruthless, demonic killers in a rival biker gang the Werewolves of New Idria find themselves battling against.

The werewolves prove to be mortal and capable of dying - Graphic-Novel illustrator Duncan Long

The Werewolves of New Idria can be seriously injured — or even mortally wounded.

Bartender drawing for graphic novel Werewolves of New Idria by illustrator Duncan Long

The Werewolves of New Idria storyline is populated by a variety of colorful characters, including this bartender who keeps a vial of mercury behind the counter.

Magical sword artwork by graphic novel artist Duncan Long

The ancient and powerful sword owned by the Werewolves of New Idria.

Werewolf in human form graphic novel artwork by illustrator Duncan Long

Werewolves spend much of their time in human form — here in a secret chapel they’ve built.

Final cover illustration for horror graphic novel Werewolves of New Idria

Cover illustration for Werewolves of New Idria — with the various key elements in the story from a charmed sword to werewolf (eyes) to the well-armed biker gang that comprises the wolf pack.

If you need a good Halloween present (whether for someone else or as a present to yourself, Buy a copy of The Werewolves of New Idria.

You can find more of Duncan Long’s horror artwork including concept artwork at his Book Artist Duncan Long’s Horror Gallery

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Day 5 of the 32 Days of Halloween: Zombies

Zombie illustration for a book cover or magazine by illustrator Duncan Long

“Zombie Invasion” by horror illustrator Duncan Long

The notion of zombies is possibly as old as the stories of werewolves or vampires. Likely based on drugs that caused victims to take orders and wander about like the drugged people they were, the whole sub-genre of zombies has grown over the years since George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead hit the silver screen back in 1968 to scare the snot out of movie goers.

Arguably Romero’s movie brought the level of blood and gore in the movie theater to new highs (or lows, depending on your point of view) — one reason I’m not a big fan of zombie movies. However if you want to have your teeth curled by fear, a zombie movie will generally do the trick.

Here are a few more of my illustrations in the zombie mode (noting that most of these have ever been sold or otherwise used to illustrate a story or article in a book or magazine).

A Higher Form of Killing - by illustrator Duncan Long

“A Higher Form of Killing” by illustrator Duncan Long

Zombie book cover artist Duncan Long

“If Evil Had a Name” – burning zombie — or a witch who’s set someone aflame. You decide.

Sometimes They Come Back horror book cover artwork illustration

“Sometimes They Come Back” has some elements of the zombie to it — along with the usual terrors of the graveyard.

Sometimes They Come Back --magazine_illustration-005

“Sometimes They Come Back #2” appeared in The Sun tabloid — with the addition of a pretty gal hiding behind a tombstone while a zombie stalks the graveyard.

Three Zombie Sisters - Illustration by artist Duncan Long

“Three Zombie Sisters” an Illustration by artist Duncan Long

When not avoiding being terrified out of his mind by zombie movies, Duncan Long works as an illustrator creating artwork for books and magazines in a variety of genres including horror. See more of his artwork at Duncan Long’s Art Portfolio.

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Skulls: (32 Days of Halloween Celebration: Day 4)

False Dawn horror book cover design by artist Duncan Long

False Dawn horror book cover design by artist Duncan Long

Day four of my exploration of horror and Halloweenish artwork that I’ve created for magazine and book illustrations as well as artwork that as yet remains unsold.

Today’s artwork will take a look at those terrifying skulls and bones that we associate with death — and which are within us all, just below the skin. Perhaps the horror of skeletons is that each of us contains these seeds of our eventual death everywhere we go during our lifetimes.

And those bones outlast us, perhaps terrifying living souls long after we’ve departed this life.

The Arrival of Death book horror artist Duncan Long

“The Arrival of Death” a horror illustration by artist Duncan Long

Brain Swell  book horror illustrator Duncan Long

“Brain Swell” horror artwork by illustrator Duncan Long

Centurion book by horror illustrator Duncan Long

“Centurion” book by horror illustrator Duncan Long

Find more of Duncan Long’s genre artwork including illustrations suitable for horror books and Halloween celebrations in his Illustrator Portfolio.

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3rd Day: 32 Days of Halloween

Exit of the Red Death- Halloween book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“Exit of the Red Death” by horror artist and illustrator Duncan Long

This was one of the illustrations created for my illustrated version of Edgar Allan Poe’s “Masque of the Red Death” — which you can read online or download for free at: Masque of the Red Death

Here are a few more pictures from this edition of the horror classic:

Revelers at Masque of the Red Death by illustrator Duncan Long

“Revelers” at Masque of the Red Death by illustrator Duncan Long

A Reveler Dances with Death - illustration by horror artist Duncan Long

“A Reveler Dances with Death” – an illustration by horror artist Duncan Long

Masque of the Red Death by horror illustrator Duncan Long

“The Red Death Unmasked” – an illustration by horror artist Duncan Long.

Edgar Allan Poe by horror illustrator Duncan Long

Portrait of Edgar Allan Poe by horror illustrator Duncan Long

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