32 Days of Halloween Artwork – Day 2

Evening Bike Ride Halloween book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“Evening Bike Ride” has appeared in several books and graced the cover of one short story collection of macabre tales.

The countdown to Halloween continues with more of the artwork and illustrations I’ve created over the years for various publishers — and for my own enjoyment.

Death - Warmed Over Halloween book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“Death (Warmed Over)” created by horror artist / illustrator Duncan Long.

Death Wore Mini Shroud by Halloween book artist and illustrator Duncan Long

“Death Wore a Mini Shroud” by horror artist and book illustrator Duncan Long.

Dance Macabre - a Halloween book painting by artist and illustrator Duncan Long

“Dance Macabre” – a Halloween painting by artist and illustrator Duncan Long.

Illustrator Duncan Long has created a variety of genre artwork for self-publishing authors and large presses. You can find more of his horror, science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and other book cover artwork in his portfolio.

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32 Days of Halloween Artwork and Illustrations – Day 1

The Raven - a book illustration by artist Duncan Long

“The Raven” – an unpublished book illustration that hopefully might get into someone’s updated Edgar Allan Poe book.

Halloween was always a fun holiday for me when I was a kid, back before that terrifying realization of adulthood: that the world really was full of monsters (albeit of a different kind than in the monster movies and fairy tales). With those kinder and gentler times in mind, I decided to start a display and countdown toward Halloween, displaying some of my favorite horror illustrations that I’ve created for books and magazines (and sometimes just for fun) over the last ten years or so.

In other words, boys and ghouls, tune in tomorrow, same place, same time, for some more horror artwork for the Halloween season.

Until then, here are a few more illustrations to tide visitors over until tomorrow:

Artifacts  Halloween book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“Artifacts” an unpublished horror illustration by artist / illustrator Duncan Long

The Bad Influence illustration by artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“The Bad Influence” appeared in “The Sun” tabloid and also had a portion of the artwork employed for a film poster.

The beast - Halloween artwork by book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“The Beast” started as a concept sketch — that proved to be powerful enough to stand on its own.

Arterial Growths  Halloween book artist and illustrator  Duncan Long

“Arterial Growths” found its way to the front cover of Harper Collins Digital Artwork for the 21st Century

Book artist / illustrator Duncan Long has created a variety of artwork for a number of self publishing authors as well as larger presses including PS Publishing, Pocket Books, Moonstone Books, Enslow Publishers, and others. You can find his online gallery of book and magazine illustrations, including his horror artwork, at: Duncan Long’s Art Portfolio.

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Stuart Jaffe’s Southern Bound available at Amazon

Stuart Jaffe Soutern Charm mystery book cover illustration by artist Duncan Long

Stuart Jaffe’s new mystery Southern Bound is now available from Amazon.com.

Some of the reviews:

“Southern Bound gets it right! A great blend of ghosts and gumshoes. If you like haunting mysteries you’ll love Southern Bound!” – Edgar-nominated author, Joel Goldman

“… fun and interesting. Not only was I entertained I learned a few things about Winston-Salem. The story was very engaging and kept me reading.” – Marta M. Rawlings, an Amazon reader

“From the beginning I knew I had a good book in my hands. The description and opening told me everything I needed to get into the plot and live the characters life with him. It only took two or three pages to suck me into a feeling of an old white and black Noir movie.” – Mordkan, an Amazon reader

And, yes, I’m the cover illustrator for this title.

Some good reading.

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Artwork: 3 Science Fiction Novels by Jim Organ

Mechanism book cover art for Jim Organ novel art by illustrator Duncan Long

“Mechanism” book cover artwork for Jim Organ science fiction novel

I recently sold three of my illustrations to Jim Organ for as many of his science fiction novels that he’ll be releasing soon. I’d done the artwork some time back, but when Jim discovered the pictures at my web gallery, he was sort of floored (by the sound of it), because not only did the illustrations capture the feel for his sci-fi trilogy, they also had the titles for the three books as well.

Yes, science fiction artwork does sometimes inspire science fiction writers.

Synergy. Got to love it.

Here are the other two book cover illustrations:

Virtual Friend book cover art by illustrator Duncan Long

“Virtual Friend” book cover artwork by illustrator Duncan Long

Parallel Processing - a science fiction novel illustration by artist Duncan Long

“Parallel Processing” — a science fiction novel illustration by artist Duncan Long

See more of Duncan Long’s science fiction, fantasy, and genre artwork and illustrations at Duncan Long’s Portfolio.

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Werewolves of New Idria Now Available

Graphic Novel Cover Illustration by illustrator and artist Duncan Long

Our graphic novel Werewolves of New Idria is now available from any number of comic book stores as well as from Amazon.com

It has 152 pages with 80 double-page illustrations in a “widescreen” format.

Graphic novel artist Duncan Long's illustration for Werewolves of New Idria

Here’s the story blurb for our comic book:

“A new breed of werewolf! Holy warriors, led by a 900-year-old knight who fought beside El Cid, now in a deadly struggle against a motorcycle gang headed by Satan’s kin, hell bent on revenge!

“The Aceves family is like no other. With patriarch, Roberto Aceves, forever a Spanish knight after being bitten by a werewolf, he and his clan have secretly fought man’s wars for 900 years. Today, near the abandoned mining town of New Idria, they must battle against a demon and his biker gang who want nothing more than to destroy the entire clan.”

If you like werewolves, you’ll find this graphic novel a rare treat.

Werewolves of New Idria graphic novel illustration by graphic artist and illustrator Duncan Long.

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Busy, busy, busy…

Flying monkey Ralph - book novel illustrator

Ralph, the head flying monkey at the Duncan Long Studio

Autumn is always busy in the publishing industry, and this one is no exception here at the Duncan Long Studio (hence the picture of one the staff, Ralph the flying monkey).

Once consequence of the growing workload is updating of my blog slides. But that said, here’re a few of the more book cover projects I’ve recently been working on…

Among the project was the creation of a terrorist for the cover of Edward Shafik’s novel Fool’s Paradise — complete with bomb vest.



Craig Halloran hired me to create the illustration for his upcoming Dark Destroyer.

Dark Destroyer - Book Cover illustration by artist Duncan Long

And here’s the mockup of the cover with lettering (the final layout will more than likely use a different typeface and layout):

Darkslayer book cover artwork and layout - illustrator Duncan Long

Character created for Alabama Rebel novel - artist Duncan Long

I created the character concept painting (above) which eventually (with a few modifications) found its way onto the novel cover Alabama Rebel by R. Thomas Roe (below).

R.ThomasRoe-Alabama Rebel book layout artwork - illustrator Duncan Long

I got a kick out of creating Thomas Bryson’s Pyschotic Preschoolers cover illustration and layout — it’s also already in print. And with a title like that, it seems destined to sell quite a few copies, if for no other reason than readers enjoy being able to say they’ve read a book with that title. And that the stories are entertaining is a big plus, too.

Thomas Bryson Psychotic Preschoolers book cover illustrator Duncan Long

Also completed is the layout as well as the cover illustration for Tongue of Fire by David McKnight:

Tongue of Fire - book layout artist and illustrator Duncan Long

An updated illustration I’d done some time back became the cover for Edward Shafik’s Paradise Regained:

Edward Shafik Cover artwork by book illustrator Duncan Long

Ralph Yankee Arnold’s upcoming novel will have an illustration I created for it on its cover:

Ralph Yankee Arnold cover illustration by book artist Duncan Long

And… Last but not least… I received word today that Stuart Jaffe’s supernatural/mystery Southern Charm (which I created the illustration for) is “going live” in a few days. Here’s the final layout — not an easy job for the graphic artist given my illustration placed the character on the left of the entire cover area (I was thankful I wasn’t doing the layout on this one):

Stuart Jaffe Soutern Charm book cover artist Duncan Long

There’s more, but I just heard breaking glass in the studio (most likely another “stuff” throwing contest), so it’s time to head in and get the critters settled down and back to work.


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The Lost Illustrations: The Werewolves of New Idria

Graphic Novel Cycle Gal illustrator Duncan Long

"Biker Gal" originally created for the cover -- didn't make it into the final version of our graphic novel. (Illustration by Duncan Long)

When I stared creating the illustrations for the graphic novel The Werewolves of New Idria, we knew the final page count and approximately how many illustrations I’d need to create for John Chadwell’s story.

That said, there’s always a little “wheel spinning” with an art project like this, so a few pieces were created that doesn’t make it into this graphic novel. Some simply didn’t measure up in one way or another… Possibly the publisher or writer don’t like them, or the artwork doesn’t further the action. A few were left out due to space considerations.

In the case of The Werewolves of New Idria there was an extra bit of complexity in that we were using a “wide screen format” for the book, so instead of four or so frames per page there was just one giant picture spanning two pages. And where smaller frames allow for an occasional dog to be thrown into the mix, the widescreen does not. Either it’s your best artwork or it should be left out.

And, yes, that puts some extra pressure on the illustrator.

But in the end (I think and hope) the result was a collection of better-than-average illustrations for the title.

That said, I thought I’d share a few of the illustrations that for one reason or another failed to make the cut. So here are the “lost illustrations” that never went to print in the final version of our graphic novel.

Book artist Duncan Long - Lost Illustration that would have appeared around page 76.

Book artist Duncan Long - Lost artwork that might have appeared around page 48 of our graphic novel.

A lost illustratio created for around page 16 (by illustrator Duncan Long)

A demonic giant that might have appeared on page 65 -- had he made the cut (book artist Duncan Long).

"Drop that weapon, soldier" was dropped from the lineup. (Book artist Duncan Long)

This illustration was dropped like some of the others on this post because we had too many hand-off-the-edge illustrations already in the graphic novel.

A collection of werewolves. This illustration was later "broken apart" so some of the wolves appeared elsewhere in the graphic novel.

This collection of werewolves was "broken apart" with the wolves appearing in other illustrations within the graphic novel. elsewhere in the graphic novel.

And there you have them: The lost illustrations from The Werewolves of New Idria.

Artist Duncan Long was the illustrator for The Werewolves of New Idria (written by John Chadwell). The graphic novel is available from Moonstone Books and contains 80 of Long’s illustrations. You can see more of the artwork from this graphic novel as well as concept drawings and other illustrations at the artist’s The Werewolves of New Idria Gallery.

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How Werewolves of New Idria Got Its Cover

I’ve posted these illustrations before, but thought they might bear repeating now that our graphic novel Werewolves of New Idria is in print (and available from Moonstone Books).

Generally a cover project doesn’t go through so many renditions – but sometimes it does. And often these can be enlightening and perhaps serve as a cautionary note for those working on book covers of any sort. This graphic novel proved a challenge and generated many different versions for the cover illustration. While I’ll only show the eight major concepts here, in fact there were quite a few more with various changes within each cover idea,

Here’s the FINAL version that appears as the actual cover for Werewolves of New Idria:

Graphic Novel Cover Illustration by illustrator and artist Duncan Long

And here’s the first concept illustration for the cover:

Graphic Novel Cover Illustration by illustrator and artist Duncan Long

It was too static and there was some disagreement as to whether the werewolf should be wearing combat boots (I know their mothers do, but that’s a tired joke, right). The wolf’s head was too “warm and fuzzy” as well — a problem I would have throughout the drawing of werewolves for the inner illustrations of this graphic novel. Part of the problem is that real wolves have a natural grin, so it’s hard to make them look like real wolves while still having an ominous disposition. Little wonder then that most movie and graphic novel werewolves tend toward a monstrous look rather than portray a realistic wolf.

My next version:

Graphic Novel Cover Illustration 2 by illustrator and artist Duncan Long

And this was also a bit dull (and I left the combat boots on as well); while anything is better with a pretty gal, this one still didn’t quite work for a cover.

Graphic Novel Cover Illustration 3 by illustrator and artist Duncan Long

This was a sad attempt and I never even submitted this idea to the author or publisher. It is included here to show how desperately wrong an artist can go with concept artwork


Graphic Novel Cover Illustration 4 by illustrator and artist Duncan Long

This was closer to what was needed. However the wolf was almost smiling again and also has that “guy in a mask” look, so we went on to:

Which is basically from the reach-out-and-grab-you school of illustration. For me this failed so another try:

Graphic Novel Cover Illustration 6 by illustrator and artist Duncan Long

This time the eyes and sword looked pretty decent, so they were eventually part of the cover layout. I would have loved to go with this illustration for the cover, but it didn’t get a majority vote from those in the loop.

The next attempt lost some ground:

Graphic Novel Cover Illustration 7 by illustrator and artist Duncan Long


Graphic Novel Cover Illustration 8 by illustrator and artist Duncan Long

For a time the illustration above was the “final” cover with a few variations in color including green, red, and a combo with a gradient of red to blue. This one would have worked and perhaps is a toss up with the final cover that was generated from the poster. This picture did get modified to a B&W illustration, however, and eventually made its way to the title page.

It was decided a bit more “fire” was needed — reds and yellow — for the cover. So next came this concept:

Graphic Novel Cover Illustration by illustrator and artist Duncan Long

And that’s the one that stuck.

Duncan Long is a book illustrator who has created cover artwork for HarperCollins, Pocket Books, Solomon Press, ILEX, PS Publishing, ISFiC Press, and many self-publishing authors. You can see more illustrations from Werewolves of New Idria at Duncan Long’s Werewolves of New Idria Gallery

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Read Portions of the Ouroh Trilogy Online

Thomas Bryson Ouroh Trilogy - book cover artist Duncan Long

Before I created the cover illustration for Thomas D. Bryson’s Ouroh trilogy, the author asked me to read his book manuscript (and, yes, paid me a handsome sum for the task).

It was a thick manuscript — actually three whole books — and a daunting read due to the marvelous word play that demands some extra thought in order to be fully appreciated. Think gourmet banquet rather than a fast food snack. But the reading was well worth the extra effort, and after I got into the flow of the story, I found it truly amazing — a bit like Lewis Carol crossed with Monty Python — only with some very serious and moving elements as well.

There is a progression with the first story being mostly light and surprising, and the story then developing in a surprising way with the two books that follow becoming more serious and the action riveting with battles that ultimately end with both tragedy and joy. It’s an amazing accomplishment for any author, and Bryson hits all the right emotional chords to produce everything from out-right laughter to tears when some of the most unhuman (yet so likeable) creatures meet tragic ends

A large section of the Ouroh trilogy can be read online at Google Books.

My advice: Try it, you’ll like it.

Amazon.com offers the print version of Ouroh as well as the Kindle version of Ouroh.

Barnes & Noble also offers print and Nook versions of Ouroh.


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Coming Soon: Next Adventures of Dod Book

The cover illustration for the YA novel Adventures of Dod by T R Williams.

The Adventures of Dod fantasy series by Thomas R. Williams has been a smashing success — and so the news that book three is now slated to come out in a just few months is more good news for fans.

An added bit of joy for me is that after creating the artwork for book 1 (shown above) and two (below), I’ve been asked to do the cover illustration for book three as well. I can’t wait to get started.

Since people often like to see how the covers appear with the lettering, I’ve also added a couple of pictures of the book covers with the lettering over my artwork (and should note that while I often do the layout design with books I create the covers for, I did not do this work — but wish I had as good as it looks).

Front book cover illustration for Adventures of Dod II by illustrator Duncan Long

Dod final book cover illustration and layout

Adventures of Dod book 2 with lettering illustrator Duncan Long

Fantasy is popular with young readers right now, so not surprisingly The Adventures of Dod are proving quite popular. Talking to Mr. Williams today, I learned that fans tend to identify his books by the colors of the cover artwork — especially the colors that show on the spine of each book. Thus book one with cover artwork in the blue range has become “the blue book” and book two with yellows and browns is designated by many fans as the “tan” or “orange” book.

I’m not certain we can manage to have a different color for each of the books in this fantasy series. However seven books are slated to be written for the series; there are also seven major colors in the spectrum (though most folks can’t tell the difference between indigo and violet).

Seven books, seven colors… Coincidence?

Our flying monkeys think not.

The publisher has set up a website for buyers and fans wanting to learn more about The Adventures of Dod. There are free sample chapters, mazes, and various “extras” — no doubt of great interest for fans and readers — as well as authors wanting to see how to promote a book online.

See more of book illustrator Duncan Long’s artwork in the Book Artist’s Portfolio.


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